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Fingerprint & transponder

Datafox Terminal: Fingerprint / Read finger

Step 1 – On the device

  • Enter password (customer-specific) and confirm with Enter
  • Enter the personnel number and confirm again with Enter
  • Once in the next menu, use the arrow > at the top right again to teach in the finger.
  • Once there, you or the employee select the finger and confirm the rest of the process by pressing Enter in the middle.
  • The green light on the finger scanner is now illuminated
  • Now scan the finger 3 times.

-Repeat the process if the quality is poor.

-If the quality is good, continue the process using the arrow > at the top right. Until ENTER: Exit mode appears.

Important! Fingers must be added to the EMS system, otherwise it will not work.

Step 2 – In the EMS system

In the EMS system under Employee administration (1) → Edit employee → Authorizations tab (2) → User name for logging in to the ems system → Click on Plus (3) → Log in with fingerprint (registration terminals) → Enter ems personnel number.

The finger must be scanned on every device where it is to be used.

Datafox Terminal: Capture transponders

  • Check whether the transponder has a number on the back.

– If not, hold the transponder to the device and take the transponder code from the error message.

  • In the EMS system under Employee administration → Edit employee → Authorizations tab → User name for login → Click on Plus → Enter transponder number

ems Terminal

Only the system administrator can gain access to enroll transponders, fingerprints, PINs and faces. To do this, click on the cogwheel symbol at the top right and log in as administrator.