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Requirements ems system

Operating modes

ems CloudOnPremise
RequirementsNo infrastructureOwn server infrastructure
CostsRecurring to SUBRISRecurring for entitlement to updates and bug fixes
Attention: Don’t forget internal costs!
AdvantagesQuickly put into operation
No investment costs for hardware
No operating expertise (server) required
Data always accessible to the customer
DisadvantagesData not in-house
Investment in server hardware is required on an ongoing basis
Server must be maintained by the customer
Operating and backup responsibility lies with the customer

Requirements for operation in the ems Cloud

When operating in the ems Cloud, there are no hardware requirements for the customer.

Requirements for operation on the customer infrastructure (OnPremise)

The following list is an example configuration. The exact requirements for the infrastructure are determined by the customer through parameters such as reliability etc.

Infrastructure requirements

Database server

The database server contains the central database of the ems system. Special users are also set up on the database server to enable access for the various programs and update systems.

  • SQL Server 2012 (or newer)
  • Database size approx. 300 MB per year

The Express Edition is available for up to 20 users, after that the Standard Edition is required

Document storage

The document repository contains the documents that are created as files in the ems system. All documents are integrated by the ems system and the user has no access to the direct data.

  • Fileshare under NTFS with access by service users

The storage requirement depends on the use


  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (or newer)
  • IIS (included in Windows Server)
  • Storage space for websites approx. 200MB

Depending on the availability requirements, an NLB system should be used to distribute the load.
If external access to the websites via a proxy is not possible, an additional dedicated web server can be placed in the DMZ.

Application server

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (or newer)
  • IIS (included in Windows Server)
  • Microsoft .net 4.0 Framework
  • Crystal Reports Runtime 13

The application server can optionally be operated on the same server as the websites.


  • External DNS entry and certificate for the use of ems Mobile
  • External DNS entry URL and certificate for using ems Web via the Internet
  • Access to the e-mail server with authorizations to send e-mails

Obligations and tasks of the customer


The customer shall ensure the licensing of the servers.
This applies in particular to the Microsoft licenses for Windows Server and the SQL database.

Data security and backup

The customer decides for himself how the backups are carried out.


The data structure and system parameters that are accessible to the customer are subject to confidentiality.

Change on-premise operation / cloud operation

It is possible to switch between on-premise operation (operation at the customer’s premises) and cloud operation or vice versa at any time.
The following components must be migrated:

  • ems database
  • ems file storage